TurtleStitch and BeetleBlocks

I browsed through an image search of designs created using TurtleStitch, a program that lets users procedural generate files that can be embroidered on fabric.  After looking for a source of inspiration, I finally came across some spiral designs that I really liked. Initially, I was going to do something resembling a spiral galaxy, but… Continue reading TurtleStitch and BeetleBlocks

Makey Makey and Unity

For this week’s Digital Foundations assignment, we had to use Makey Makey to create a new musical interface. I immediately thought of one of my favorite games of all time, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.  In the game, players have to learn a number of songs in order to be able to access new… Continue reading Makey Makey and Unity

Working with Scratch

I looked at this interesting Scratch project. It uses very beautiful backgrounds, and I’m impressed by the hit detection for the “floors”. I think there are problems with using an art style like this for a platforming game, but dying is also extremely generous in this game. Admittedly, I still find Scratch to be a… Continue reading Working with Scratch

Participatory Design and Planning in Latin America

Engineering education for elementary and high school students focuses almost entirely on the mathematics and physics understanding needed for engineering work. Children build bridges out of drinking straws or catapults out of popsicle sticks, but a crucial element of actual engineering is missed. Real engineers not only have to work within teams of experts, they… Continue reading Participatory Design and Planning in Latin America

The Ethics of Gamification and Citizenship

As we understand more and more about what motivates human behavior, designers of new digital products are increasingly turning to behavioral economics, persuasive technologies, user-centered design, and gamification to create products that are more engaging. Frequently these systems are intended to hold users’ attention long enough to turn a profit off the data they generate… Continue reading The Ethics of Gamification and Citizenship