Print-and-Play Games and Education

Print-and-Play games, which can be easily printed out with a simple desktop printer, seem like they’d be a major player in educational game development considering how crucial printed and copied materials are to teachers. Most of us who started elementary school after the copy machine became widely available will remember the endless flow of worksheets… Continue reading Print-and-Play Games and Education

Review: Locally Played by Ben Stokes

I recently picked up Benjamin Stokes’s new book, Locally Played: Real-World Games for Stronger Places and Communities. The book discusses how local communities can leverage their own games as well as commercially-available games to foster civic engagement among their residents. Dr. Stokes is a civic media scholar and the director of the Playful City Lab… Continue reading Review: Locally Played by Ben Stokes

Public Monuments and Mixed Reality

As of the time of this writing, statues and memorials of Confederates, slave-owning politicians, explorers, and even U.S. Presidents are being taken down from public places around the country either formally by city officials or informally by demonstrators. The scenes of crowds tearing down these statues are reminiscent of German crowds hammering the Berlin Wall… Continue reading Public Monuments and Mixed Reality

Final Project Design

The topic of our final project was to make “the intangible, tangible.” We had been using a number of different sensors over the course of the semester such as the noise sensor, flame sensor, and others. Any of these could have been used to develop this project, but I wanted to develop something that utilized… Continue reading Final Project Design

Working with two micro:bits

Our current assignment required using two microbits (or a microbit and the microbit app on a smartphone) and a sensory input device. Since I’m a game design major, I decided to use a joystick for my sensory input. I had originally planned to create a two-player game where one player would use the device with… Continue reading Working with two micro:bits

Sewing Circuits into Fabric

This week we have moved on to making circuits using conductive thread sewn into fabric. Our assignment was to incorporate a circuit that, when completed, would light up LEDs. While I could have just taken a simple piece of fabric and sewn some LEDs into it, I decided that I wanted piece of fabric to… Continue reading Sewing Circuits into Fabric